Monday 8 September 2014

Make up monday

Lipstick Tribute

Have you ever had a make up product that is so good that you actually mourn when it becomes discontinued? No? well neither have I...

Okay, I lied. A couple of years ago I bought a drug store lipstick purely based on aesthetics. It looked so weird that I thought, I have to have it! It was translucent and neon pink with glitter particles, kind of reminded me of a lollipop, it smelled like a lollipop too and tasted like one... it was even called Pink Lollipop and was from the Maybelline New York colour sensational popsticks collection. Do you see my appeal yet?

There was something so reminiscent of my childhood that I bought it even though, I didn't think I would use it, all that much. How wrong I was. I am now sitting here with the remains of this lipstick trying to ration it among my remaining days ie the rest of my life. It saddens me to think that one day I'll have to just let it go and bin it. I've searched far and wide trying to find something similar or to find the exact same lipstick and have had no luck whatsoever.

I know you're probably thinking "well you should be glad that your lipstick has finished because it sounds horrific". Please let me explain to you the miracle that was this lipstick. It was glossy but not sticky. Moisturising but it stayed for a very long time and reapplied really well. There was no glitter when the lipstick was actually applied, just a light all over sheen to enhance my natural lip colour. I could apply this with an every day make up look or for a night out with some heavier eye make-up. This lipstick is so versatile and I feel like if it were alive that it would be my soul mate :(

You changed my life Pink Lollipop. I will forever love you...

Peace be upon you
Merutopia xo

Saturday 6 September 2014

Skincare Saturday

Dark/ puffy under-eye bags

Okay so, I KNOW that I haven't blogged in weeks but life has been so hectic! I'm not complaining though, I would rather have too much to do than not enough. Anyway so a friend requested that I write a blog on how to get rid of puffy eyes and dark circles under the eye. Its not something that I particularly suffer from so I had to do a lot of research. I can however recommend an under eye cream that I am sooo in love with.

I think its important to know why you may suffer from dark, puffy under eyes, once you know the cause its easier to tackle the issue. The main causes are:
  • Lack of sleep
  • Diet: too much salt causes water retention and therefore puffy eyes.
  • Stress: mechanical stress such as rubbing the eyes can make the delicate skin  even thinner so that discolouration is more evident.
  • SmokingExcessive Alcohol: we all know that these have an ageing effect on the skin as they slows down cell renewal, which can lead to under eye bags!!
  • Medical condition: sinusitis and allergies can prevent the sinuses from draining efficiently and lead to fluid retention around the eyes resulting in puffy eyes.
There is ALWAYS something at home that may help in reducing those unwanted bags. Some of the home remedies are:
  • Drinking lots of water: ensuring that your body is properly hydrated will mean that less water will be retained in areas such as under the eyes and therefore this will reduce puffiness.
  • Stop smoking/ heavy drinking: Just stop PLEASE!
  • Sleep: for at least eight hours.
  • Applying Sunscreen: sunlight produces photons, photon damage can lead to decreased production of collagen which thins the skin and will cause under eyes to appear darker.
  • Applying sliced potato: The starch from potatoes has anti inflammatory properties which help to reduce puffiness.
  • Applying sliced cucumber: has many natural chemicals that help to brighten and tighten the skin around the eyes.
  • Putting a teabag on the under-eye area: after drinking black or green tea, cool the tea bags in the fridge and apply them under the eyes. The caffeine and cool sensation help to constrict the blood vessels and make you appear more awake. Normal tea may darken the bags more though because it stains.
  • Applying ice cold spoons under the eye: throw a couple of spoons in the freezer for about 10 minutes and press them gently under and around the eyes. This will constrict the blood vessels and therefore reduce dark circles. It is also known to reduce puffy eyes.  
  • Putting your whole face in ice cold water: not only does this help your eyes but also minimises pores.

Eye Creams:
There are so many eye creams on the market that promise to do amazing things, but I have never been as impressed with any eye cream as much as I have been with the Benefit It's Potent Eye Cream. A little definitely goes a long way with this eye cream. A cooling sensation is felt straight after applying and under eye darkness literally disappears. I can't promise that it will do anything for puffiness but its definitely worked on any darkness that I had. I would suggest the cold spoon method, to reduce puffiness, and then use of this cream, to completely get rid of any imperfection on the eye area :))

Click HERE to see! Highly Recommended!

Hope this has helped my loves! Until next time...

Peace be upon you
Merutopia xo